The President and Executive Committee of FEG
The European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (FEG) and Athina Training Centre Skills Academy are proud to present the “Western Silk Road Experience” online course. FEG trainers and researchers have created the course as life-long training for qualified tourist guides.
The Silk Road is the longest, most ancient trade route, connecting diverse cultures and far-away countries over the centuries. Most people associate the Silk Road with Asia only. But did you know that its routes extend over all European countries from the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea to Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and to the wider geographical area of Eurasia? Included in Eurasia are Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, as countries bordering the Black Sea.
The “Western Silk Road Experience” online course offers tourist guides the opportunity to explore a new guiding theme and add to existing tours.
Follow “the steps of silk” to destinations off the beaten track. Be the first to plan and to offer diverse and sustainable destination visits to clients, based on this interesting and less-explored subject.
Take advantage of the work of FEG trainers and follow the“Western Silk Road Experience” online course to gain inside knowledge by this new life-long training and certification for this particularly evocative subject.
Wealthy people wearing silk robes © Werner Forman Archive/ Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin
All FEG association members' qualified tourist guides or its affiliate associations are eligible to attend the “Western Silk Road Experience” online course.
The course duration is 25 learning hours and you can do it at your own pace. The course divides to three training modules. Short knowledge tests follow each one of thee training modules. Successfully complete the modules to get your training certificate of competence from FEG and Athina Training Centre Skills Academy.
The online course cost is 190 EUR. The price includes the three training modules, an e-certificate for the successful candidates and administration costs.
Candidates who register and pay by 30 June 2020, receive a discount of 20% on the course fee.
We really hope you will enjoy this trans-European journey!
Eligible Tourist Guides can register for the course here:
Silk Worms © Bouroulitis Silk Factory, Soufli, Greece