



© Copyright by the European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations FEG from 2020


© Royston Robertson 2008-2020 Cartoon copyright by the European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations
© FEG from 2020
All rights reserved www.roystonrobertson.co.uk

Designed by

Sofia Vastea

Copy Edited by

Guy Tindale

ISBN 978-2-9575272-0-5

Third Edition 2020
Pages 68

Book Description

The Art of Guiding is a practical guiding manual, an invaluable tool for tourist guide trainers, trainees, and working tourist guides.

The author, Katrine Prince, using easy-to-understand language, an entertaining style, a lot of practical do's and don’ts and explanatory illustrations has created an essential reference book for the professional tourist guide. Covering all of the main elements of practical guiding, such as walking tours, site guiding, answering difficult questions or dealing with nervousness, this handbook is based on Katrine’s long experience as a trainer and her insightful observations on what it takes to make a truly great guide.

In Katrine’s words: “The seeds of this handbook were sown in the South Pacific, where I was lucky enough to be training tourist guides to interpret their own very special heritage with the help of a local expert. They asked me to leave them with a Guiding Manual”.

And this became the Art of Guiding.

The Art of Guiding e-book is not a substitute for face-to-face courses and on its own provides only a reminder of the main elements of the required training for tourist guides.
It does not confer a qualification upon the reader.

For a full list of the tourist guide training courses offered by FEG please click here.