Alps Danube Adriatic (ADA) Regional Tourist Guide Meeting in Budapest

Published by Ingrid Wallenborg
Date 21/01/2025

16-19 January 2025

In mid-January, FEG member MIE (Magyar Idegenvezetők Egyesülete) – the Hungarian Tourist Guides’ Association - hosted a most successful meeting in Budapest for qualified tourist guides of the ADA (Alps Danube Adriatic) region. This is only the fourth such meeting but its popularity testify to the wish of tourist guides to enjoy the company of colleagues from other countries while exchanging views, sharing professional concerns and learning about other destinations. While FEG (the European Federation of Tourist Guide Associations) is the main organisation and forum for addressing the professional issues of tourist guides in Europe, ADA is primarily a vehicle for

ADA groups together a handful of countries and regions in central Europe, countries whose borders have in fact fluctuated over the centuries. There is therefore a strong historical overlap between neighbouring regions, and cultural and linguistic identities do not always respect today’s national borders. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, the river Danube, the Roman Empire and Judaism are only some of the shared themes tourist guides from the ADA region explore with their clients and all were touched upon during the meeting.

Jessie McDonald

Photos: Jessie McDonald

The Hungarian host MIE had prepared a great programme and guides from FEG members Austria, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and the UK enjoyed sightseeing on foot, by tram and metro, by boat and by coach, covering many of Budapest’s fascinating UNESCO sites. The UK and Ireland are of course not part of this region but two guides –one from each country and both with close links to FEG – could not resist this wonderful opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: exploring one of Europe’s great capitals while socially networking over food and wine in the evening. Of course, the great advantage for those coming from the ADA region itself was the shorter travelling distance. Indeed, some arrived in their own car and others comfortably after a five – hour train journey.

The cultural highlights for most were the tour of the Opera House (including a short performance by two of its stars), the visit to the Dohány Street synagogue and the Emmanuel Memorial Tree to victims of the Holocaust, and sailing past the beautifully illuminated Parliament building on an evening Danube river cruise. The programme also included one morning of talks, referencing issues with a potential impact on tourist guides not only in Hungary but all over Europe. Of particular interest was the presentation by Dr Tamara Ratz, head of the Department of Tourism at Janos Kodolanyi University, entitled ‘Bridging Cultures via Cooperation with Tourist Guides’. She has carried out a study analysing the role of Art Nouveau heritage in tourism. To quote Dr Ratz:

‘Although Art Nouveau has significant tourist potential in many European cities, the difficulties of collaboration between the cultural sector and the tourism industry create obstacles in its use as a resource in tourism development’.

Her study promotes the role of tourist guides in Art Nouveau tourism and suggests improved collaboration between them and the cultural institutions representing Art Nouveau heritage. I am sure many qualified tourist guides would welcome closer and more fruitful exchanges with cultural institutions including many museums which form part of our professional tour offering. Culture and tourism are not two separate entities; they need each other to communicate the importance of our cultural heritage to visitors of all kinds, and to promote a more ethical and responsible approach to tourism. Read more about Dr Ratz’ research here:

Jessie McDonald

Photos: Jessie McDonald

A huge thank you must go to the MIE organisers of this successful meeting, the FEG Hungary delegate, Ms Krisztina Tamasi and Ms Viki Timar. We look forward to seeing you all at ADA and FEG meetings in the future!

Ingrid Wallenborg

Is a certified Blue Badge tourist guide for the UK

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